# Input 输入框

# Example

import { input } from 'vigour';
// input.name === 'vigour-input'

# Basic

<vigour-input v-model="value"></vigour-input>

# Clearable

When the clearable attribute is true, you can clear the text with one click.

clearable 属性为 true 时,可以一键清空文本。

<vigour-input v-model="value" clearable></vigour-input>

# Placeholder

<vigour-input v-model="value" placeholder="请输入内容"></vigour-input>

# Types

The attribute of type is the same as that of native input element. The following is what happens when type is password.

type 属性与原生 input 元素的属性一样,以下是当 typepassword 时的情况。


# Read Only

<vigour-input v-model="value" readonly></vigour-input>

# Disabled

<vigour-input v-model="value" disabled></vigour-input>

# Props

prop type default value available value
v-model any - -
clearable boolean false -
placeholder string - -
readonly boolean false -
disabled boolean false -