# Toast

In the case of on-demand import, you can import Toast in the following ways. After import, you can use Toast through this.$toast.

在按需引入的情况下,你可以通过以下方式引入 Toast,引入后可以通过 this.$toast 来使用 Toast。

import { toast } from 'vigour';

# autoClose

The autoClose attribute can be used to set whether to close Toast automatically.

autoClose 属性可以设置是否自动关闭 Toast。

# autoCloseDelay

The autoCloseDelay attribute can be set to when to close automatically after the appearance of Toast.

autoCloseDelay 属性可以设置在 Toast 出现后多久后会自动关闭。

# closeButton

The closeButton attribute sets the text of the close button and the callback function will be executed after Toast is closed.

closeButton 属性可以设置关闭按钮的文本,以及 Toast 关闭后执行的回调函数。

# position

The position attribute sets the position where the Toast appears.

position 属性可以设置 Toast 出现的位置。

# Example

  <vigour-button @click="showToast">Show Top Toast</vigour-button>
  <vigour-button @click="showToast2">Show Center Toast</vigour-button>
  <vigour-button @click="showToast3">Show Bottom Toast</vigour-button>
export default {
  methods: {
    showToast() {
      this.$toast(<i>Attention <strong>please</strong></i>, {
        closeButton: {
          text: '关闭',
          callback(vm) {
        autoClose: false,
        position: 'top',
    showToast2() {
      this.$toast(<i>Attention <strong>please</strong></i>, {
        closeButton: {
          text: '关闭',
          callback(vm) {
        autoClose: false,
        position: 'center',
    showToast3() {
      this.$toast(<i>Attention <strong>please</strong></i>, {
        closeButton: {
          text: '关闭',
          callback(vm) {
        autoClose: false,
        position: 'bottom',

# Props

prop type default value available value
autoClose boolean - true
autoCloseDelay number - 2000
closeButton {text:string,callback?:function} - -
position string - 'top', 'center', 'bottom'