# Notification 通知

Please note: in the case of on-demand import, if you want to use Notification, you need to import them in the following ways.

请注意:在按需引入的情况下,如果想使用 Notification,你需要通过以下方式引入它们。

import {notification} from 'vigour';

# Example

Notification can be used through this.$notify. You can set the duration property to set the duration of Notification's display. When the value of duration is 0, Notification will not disappear automatically.

Notification 可以通过 this.$notify 来使用,你可以设置 duration 属性来设置 Notification 显示的时长,当 duration 的值为 0 时,则 Notification 不会自动消失。

import notification from 'vigour/notification.js'
<vigour-button @click="showNotification">show notification</vigour-button>
<vigour-button @click="showNotification2">show notification2</vigour-button>
export default {
  methods: {
    showNotification() {
      this.$notify({ content: '你好世界', duration: 0 });
    showNotification2() {
      this.$notify({ content: 'Hello World' });

# Options

prop type default value available value
content string - -
duration number 3000 -